Last fall, six students from La Grande High School attended the 97th National FFA Convention & Expo in Indianapolis, Indiana. The students got to experience travel, meet other FFA members from across the country and connect with colleges, employers and industry partners.
KaraAnn Akers, LHS Senior, was recognized at nationals for her proficiency in bees.
Luke Coomer, the high school’s FFA Advisor, said he thought it was amazing that students got the opportunity to go to nationals.
Here are some comments from LHS participants:
“I think one of my favorite parts was listening to the retirement addresses of the national officers. And one thing I learned was that you don't have to be a leader to act like one.”
“Honestly, I really enjoyed the plane ride and all the people. I learned that good can be a verb.”
“My favorite part was Dr. Temple Grandin's speech on how we can help outside-the-box thinkers succeed. I learned about how different the culture is in different regions of the country.”