Good afternoon Class of 2021! This a gentle reminder that if you have not seen Mrs. Andrews in the counseling office to confirm the spelling of your name for your diploma you need to do so by February 23. Once the diploma order has been placed it will cost you $40 for any corrections and a replacement Diploma. If you have any questions please call the school at 541-663-3310.

Outdoor Contact Sports Opt In Form

Inclement weather sometimes forces us to start school with a 2 hour delay. The schedule is posted below. The bus schedule will also be delayed 2 hours.
Families will be notified if there is a delay start.

LHS Parents & Guardians
We are excited to start the fall athletic season.
Football started on February 8th
Football - Monday – Friday, 3:30 – 5:45 pm
Football practice field behind high school
The following sports will start on Monday, February 22nd
Volleyball - Monday – Friday, 3:00 pm – 8:00 pm
( Split sessions in LHS main gym)
Cross Country - Monday – Friday, 4:00 – 5:00 pm
(at the LHS Track)
Boys Soccer – Monday – Friday, 3:30- 5:15 pm
( Island City elementary)
Girls Soccer – Monday – Friday, 3:30 – 5:30 pm
(Middle school field / Island City)
We will be posting game schedules on lagrandesd.org
Please know that the game schedules are subject to change. We will do our best to keep the most up to date schedule on the district website. Any changes/updates will be posted as soon as possible on La Grande High Athletics and Activities Facebook page and the LHS website.
Please make sure your student is registered. All registration can take place at https://or-lagrande.intouchreceipting.com/signin.aspx
Please call the front office at 541-663-3301 with any questions.

"FBLA will be having a virtual meeting on Tuesday, February 16, at 2:00pm using the Meet link in the Google Classroom. Please attend if possible. If you have not yet been added to the FBLA club but you are interested in taking part of the club, please contact Mr. Carollo or Ms. Prosch and they will get you added to the classroom. See you all then!"

On Monday, 2/15, there is no school. Tuesday, 2/16, school will resume in person with Cohort B (last names L - Z). Thursday, 2/18, will be Cohort B, Wednesday and Friday will be Cohort A (last names A - K). Next week is periods 5-8.

Students will have the opportunity to
interact with STEM Professionals such as an aerospace engineer,
audiologist, mechanical engineer, graphic designer and a construction manager to explore the professions.
Attend and be inspired!!!

LHS student receives noteworthy scholarship. Julian Harris is awarded the Horatio Alger college scholarship.

Get help with your Math homework! Make up assignments and Tests! Come to Math Lab on Mondays and Thursdays anytime between 5:30 and 7:30 to work on Math with a Math teacher. Snacks are provided.

LHS FFA students competed in the FFA District Leadership Events and presented their Oregon FFA State Degrees. The State degree is the highest degree the state can bestow upon its members.
Oregon FFA State Degree Recipients are:
Shelby Burgess
Raegan Hanna
Bella Gulzow
Braxton Bisenius
Luis Torres

PE uniforms are available to purchase at the front office. Uniforms (shirt & shorts) are $15, PE Hoodie is $14, PE Sweatpants are $12. You must pay and show a receipt to your PE teacher to receive the PE clothing.

Monday, February 8th - Cohort A, Periods 5-8. Check your class schedule to see which teacher you have for 5th period. Enter at the correct door. Have a great week Tigers!!!

Check out this video update from Mr. Baxter and Mr. Freeman with important reminders about the upcoming weeks of school!

Starting Monday, Feb. 8, we will be attending periods 5-8. All students need to check their schedules to make sure they know where
they are going and which door they should enter. Monday will be Cohort A (last name A - K)

There is a lost and found in the LHS main office. If you are missing an item please make sure you check the lost and found.

Good afternoon Tiger Parents and Students,
I wanted to thank you for a great start to our first week of in person instruction. Having students on campus is truly a blessing. With that said, I am thankful for how well students have adhered to the safety protocols. Student safety is our number one priority and this allows us to stay operating and educating in person. Just a few of these important protocols include wearing masks while on campus, hand sanitizing and washing hands often and social distancing in classrooms and hallways. We also are requiring all staff and students to wear a visible I.D. attached to their grade level lanyard. Please ensure this is around your neck and visible for any staff member. This allows us to quickly identify students and know them by name. Please help us remind students to keep this with them in their backpack and have it ready and visible while on campus. Attendance is an expectation so please, if you’re well and healthy, plan on attending every day for your scheduled time. This also means arriving within the scheduled time from 8:50 - 9:00 AM. We will continue to offer a grab and go breakfast to any student that would like one. As students leave campus we will again offer this option as a grab and go lunch snack. If you have siblings at home they’re welcome to take one for them as well. Again, I can’t express enough how excited we are to have students back at LHS. #TigerUp

Junior high and high school students are encouraged to register and attend the virtual STEM Career Exploration. Check the attached flyer for registration information.

Registration is open for Drivers Education. You can register online using the link below

Attention seniors! Honors Diploma Applications are due February 16, 2021!
Click the link below to get your application today!

Check this out for the latest news regarding LHS Yearbook/Mimir.