La Grande Swim Club is offering Spring Swimming! Email for more details!
about 10 hours ago, Deb Comfort
image of a swimmer in a pool with text about La grande swim club
LHS juniors and parents, We're nearing the end of quarter 1 with Spring Break around the corner. Upon return from Spring Break we will start state testing in Science, Math and English for junior students. This happens throughout April and May. Please reach out to the office with questions.
1 day ago, Eric Freeman - Assistant Principal
Please join us on March 18, 2025, 6 PM to 7 PM at the LGSD School Board Conference Room, located at 1305 N Willow St. Topics for this event are: Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) Accommodations vs. Modifications Q & A Presenters: IMESD Assistant Superintendent, Corrina Robinson EOU Associate Professor, College of Education, Jerred Jolin LGSD Student Services Director, Erika Dockweiler LGSD Special Education Teacher, Rachael Oliver Questions? Please contact Erika Dockweiler at
1 day ago, Deb Comfort
FACT Oregon logo with cartoon images of different people walking
There is now ONE MONTH LEFT to recognize an amazing teacher or staff member at your school!! Nominate someone now at: the Nomination Deadline is April 1, 2024. Anyone can nominate.
1 day ago, Deb Comfort
image of table with crystal apple awards on it with text Crystal Apple Awards Nominations Accepted through April 1st, 2025
If you are wanting to watch our Tiger Boys Basketball team play today at 4, below is the link where the game will be streamed!
3 days ago, Mandy Hood
Our boys traveled to Marshfield to take on the Pirates in round 1 of the State Tournament!!! Good luck Tigers!!
3 days ago, Mandy Hood
Boys bball
4 days ago, Deb Comfort
image of Shawn Brooks with text of La Grande School District And Community
Check out the Tiger House video created by LHS students!!
4 days ago, Deb Comfort
Exterior of completed Tiger house
Summer Volleyball Informational Meeting When: Tuesday, March 11th Where: Wildcat Center Upstairs in Mrs. Becker-Bisenius's Classroom. Park in Wildcat Center Parking Lot and use Gym door to enter. Time: 6:00 pm Who: Incoming Freshman - Seniors If you plan to play High School Volleyball, please be in attendance Questions? Please email
4 days ago, Deb Comfort
three LHS volleyball players on the volleyball court
March is Music in Our Schools Month, and there are some amazing people that make up the music programs in our school. Thank you for all your hard work. You may not know this, but music education in schools helps students develop critical thinking skills, confidence, social and emotional skills; as well as deepening their connection with the school environment. Thank you to all of our music teachers: Mrs. Rinker, Ms. Bloodgood, Mr. Lynch, Mr. Durfee and Mr. Justice! #MIOSM
4 days ago, Deb Comfort
image of student and teacher playing instruments with text March is Music in our Schools Month
As we prepare to host our first round basketball game, we would like to make sure everyone is informed on expectations of cost! OSAA ticket prices for any and all playoff games are $10 adults and $6 students. Please see the attached documents to understand what passes will be accepted at the door! We hope to see everyone at LHS tonight at 6:00!!!
4 days ago, Mandy Hood
bball state championship
osaa pass gate
girls state bball
Round 1 of the Girls 4A State Championship basketball tournament starts today!! Our Lady Tigers Basketball team plays TODAY at 6p! If you are unable to make it, the link below is how the game will be streamed!
4 days ago, Mandy Hood
March 10 -14 is College & Career Week at LHS!. Fun themed activities and dress up days are happening each day. Encourage your student to dress up and get involved! Mon 3/10- Wear your favorite College attire Tue 3/11- Wear your favorite team jersey OPU Tour- reps from the 8 Oregon public universities will present to students during 6th period in the auditorium. College fair tables will be set up near the gym during 7th period to chat and get questions answered. Students must get pre-approved permission from teachers to participate. Wed 3/12- Dress for Success- Dress like you're interviewing for your dream job Join us for a resume, cover letter, interview skills workshop at 8:00 am in the AV auditorium. Sign up in the Career Center Thurs 3/13- EOU Day- Wear EOU colors and get a photo taken with Montee the Mountie at lunch in the commons Fri- 3/14- Military Friday- Blue & White Day Talk to recruiters from all branches of the Military in the commons during 4th period or lunch.
5 days ago, Mandy Hood
Our FCCLA students are working hard to get to State in April. They have some amazing projects to present and they need your help to get there! They are currently selling tickets for a Taco Soup Dinner for this weekend, March 8th. Each ticket will get you a meal for: Taco Soup Caesar Salad Chocolate Brownie The price of the tickets are $15 and are available here at the school. Any questions, call 541-663-3301.
6 days ago, Mandy Hood
A friendly reminder that today, March 3 at 11:59pm is the FINAL deadline for the OSAC Scholarship applications! Website: Email: The quickest way for you to get assistance is to use our contact form.
8 days ago, Mandy Hood
Great job to all of our wrestlers last weekend!!!
8 days ago, Mandy Hood
state wrestling
LHS Fans: The Girls Wrestling State Champs will be arriving at Gangloff Park around 5:45 and will b have a Police escort to Max Square! Come down and welcome the Back-To-Back 4A/3A/2A/1A State Champs into town!
10 days ago, Holli Needham
Good luck to our Tiger Wrestlers today!!
11 days ago, Mandy Hood
state wrestling
We will be hosting an Open House for our first completed Tiger House on Friday, February 28, 2025. A brief program will start at noon at 903 I Avenue in La Grande . The Tiger House will be available to view from noon until 2 PM . Questions? 541-663-3203
12 days ago, Deb Comfort
images of the Tiger House along with text stating date and time of open house
LHS Girls Basketball Team are Greater Oregon League Champions for 2025! The girls' team beat Baker on Monday night in a close game that ended in 48 to 45. Congrats to our Lady Tigers! Photo credit to Suzanne Collman
13 days ago, Deb Comfort
LHS girls basketball team posing with their district champions award
LHS fans celebrating the LHS Girls Basketball Team winning the game
LHS students and LHS girls basketball team posing with their district champions award