SENIORS - We still have yard signs in the front office. Please stop by and pick them up before you check out next week.
over 2 years ago, LHS
over 2 years ago, LHS
We are on a AM Assembly schedule today
over 2 years ago, LHS
AM Assembly
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
over 2 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like music class, especially the Chicken Little song and the boom whackers." La Grande School District
Dear LHS Senior parent and LHS Seniors, We are incredibly sorry for the frustration and stress you're experiencing. We ask you to please bear with us while we work through a very difficult time. We are diligently working in an effort to meet the standards we've set regarding delivery and overall customer service. As we look forward we will do everything in our power to provide a comprehensive update on the status of your shipment. There are several factors that have complicated this delivery season including supply chain issues, shipping issues, and labor issues, and we are working around the clock to resolve the problems. We will update you as soon as we have more information. Thanks, Your local Herff Jones Team
over 2 years ago, LHS
If the proposed district bond is passed, $8.845 million would be available for proposed bond measure projects: **Replace the Annex at La Grande Middle School with a new Academic & Athletic Center **Relocate Maintenance Department to Adams Professional Plaza
over 2 years ago, La Grande School District
Did you know? Bond Fact
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
over 2 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like it becauseit has all the best teachers, which means a lot of love." La Grande School District
Our band, lead by their infamous leader, Mr. Alex Justice took 3rd at the state competition in Corvallis last Thursday. It has been 11 years since the band placed this high at state. They were only 2 points behind the 2nd place band. Congratulations to the kids and Alex!
over 2 years ago, LHS Athletics/Activities
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like being in the band - it's an awesome community that I've had the pleasure of being in" La Grande School District
Congratulations to our LHS band, who just won 3rd place in the 4A state competition! What a great accomplishment with a great group of student musicians! Congratulations to Mr. Justice, all of our musicians, and all of their families! Way to represent!
almost 3 years ago, Brett Baxter - Principal
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like the Choir because everyone is a part of the group and encouraging to each other." La Grande School District
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like how I get to see my friends and do fun stuff." La Grande School District
Congratulations to our Girls Golf Team! GOL Champions!!!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Girls with trophy
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like my class family and playing sports, like basketball." La Grande School District
The Softball game that was originally scheduled for Thursday, May 12th has been rescheduled to Wednesday, May 11th. LHS will host Pendleton at Pioneer Park. The game will start 3:00 pm instead of at 4:00 pm
almost 3 years ago, LHS Athletics/Activities
The proposed new Academic and Athletic Complex would be used for CTE, STEM and P.E. classes for LMS students and for community events, if the proposed bond passes.
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
Did you know? Bond Fact
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I likethe food in the cafeteria - my favorite is the pizza." La Grande School District
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "I like going to lunch and going to recess." La Grande School District
almost 3 years ago, LHS Athletics/Activities
State Choir 2022
We love hearing what LGSD students like about their school!
almost 3 years ago, La Grande School District
What do you like about your school? "My 3D Design class forces me to pay attention and use 100% of my brain." La Grande School District