The Observer is selling these senior yard signs. The cost is $29 each. These signs would include a picture of your graduate. You can call the Observer to order.
(These signs are different than the free signs that LHS is giving to each graduate. Seniors can pick up the LHS yard signs at the front office)

LHS Administrators have purchased yard signs for each graduate. Seniors are encouraged to come to the office during non class time to pick up their sign. You will have to sign for a sign.

Drivers Ed classes will take place this summer. Register online.

SCREENAGERS - additional information. You must register and login in order to be able to few the presentation at a later time. The online link is available for two weeks after the live online presentation. The online link is for viewing only. There will not be any discussion allowed.

May 6th is the first COVID-19 vaccination clinic for ages 16 and 17 years. "It's your shot," to help get things back to normal. If the vaccine is right for you, schedule at https://www.chdinc.org

JV Softball is cancelled today. Only varsity softball plays today vs. Ontario. Games are at 3pm and 5pm in La Grande

Screenagers: NEXT CHAPTER will be May 11th at 6:30 p.m.
Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER
Uncovering Skills For Stress Resilience
Filmmaker and physician Dr. Delaney Ruston takes the conversation around screens and teens to the next level with Screenagers NEXT CHAPTER: Uncovering Skills for Stress Resilience—a film that examines the science behind teen’s emotional challenges, the interplay of social media, and most importantly, what can be done in our schools and homes to help them build crucial skills to navigate stress, anxiety, and depression in our digital age.
Here are the links. They are also on the flyers.

Screenagers will be on May 6th at 6:30 p.m.
Growing Up In The Digital Age
Are you watching kids scroll through life, with their rapid-fire thumbs and a six-second attention span? Physician and filmmaker Delaney Ruston saw that happening with her own kids which started her on a question to delve into how it might affect their development. Through poignant, and unexpectedly funny stories, along with surprising insights from authors, psychologists, and brain scientists, SCREENAGERS reveals how tech time impacts kids’ development and also offers solutions on how adults can empower their kids to best navigate the digital world to find balance.

CHD Public Health is providing a Covid19 Vaccine Clinic for 16 and 17 year olds on Thursday 4/29 from 2:00-5:00pm at Riveria School. There is no cost to receive this vaccine. Stop by the School Based Health Center to get an appointment scheduled or to get more information about the Covid 19 Vaccine. People can schedule on-line at chdinc.org

Baker moved to a high risk level last Friday. Because of this there will not be any visiting spectators at the baseball game on Saturday, May 1.


Hello senior parents! I am asking for your help in collecting photos of your seniors from this year for a chance to be included in the yearbook. The yearbook staff wants to make sure that this senior class is represented well for all their achievements and milestones. We are looking for candid photos of them with their friends, participating in school activities, sporting events, and as they went through their senior year that has been unique is so many ways. Please email those to me at rachel.balza@lagrandesd.org.

LHS Senior Harley Creech has signed with Lenoir-Rhyne University in Hickory, North Carolina. Harley will be joining the weight lifting team. Harley is relatively new to the sport of weight lifting but will be a welcome addition to their team. Congratulations Harley Creech!

If you checked out a hot spot from LHS during distance learning, we need those hot spots returned to the school as soon as possible. Hot Spots should be returned to Julie Childs in the media center.


Join the LHS Boys Soccer Team! Coach Rangel will host a virtual zoom meeting on 5/13/2021 to talk about the upcoming summer sessions and fall season. Use this link to join: https://imesdmeet.zoom.us/j/98885391511?pwd=ZWlkZ200YzVsSENGSnpPeVJ1OEZtUT09

The Student Based Health Center will be open on Tuesdays and Wednesdays from 8:30-1:30. A nurse will also be available occasionally on Fridays for walk-in needs
The SBHC will also be open for scheduling and non-medication first aid needs 5 days a week.
Our Mental health provider is available 5 days a week during and after school by appointment

This is a reminder that state testing starts today for ELA and Math (Tuesday during 8th period Advisory). Your name has been posted in the office window and library with your designated location. We will start with the beginning of the alphabet. If you don't see your name you've been scheduled for a different day.

La Grande Girls Cross Country team took 4th in the final meet of the season. La Grande Boys Cross Country team took 9th overall.

Congratulations to Sam Hansen and Teagan Null for taking first place in our regional Solo and Ensemble competition on their respective instruments. Teagan will be competing in the 2021 OSAA State Solo Contest on Bassoon and Sam on the French Horn. Both have put in a large quantity of time and energy in order to reach their artistic goals.